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hello, my name is yang jun. look, this is my school. there are many flowers and trees in it. i like my school. i’m in class two, grade five. there are forty-one students in my class. look at my classroom. tt’s big and bright. you can see a computer on the teacher’s desk. and there’s a tv near the blackboard. on the wall, there are some nice pictures. i like them very much.welcome to my school.


( ) 1. there are lots of trees and flowers in the park.

( ) 2. yang jun ji in class five grade two.

( ) 3. his class is big and bright.

( ) 4. there’s a book on the tercher’s desk.

( ) 5. there are some pictures in the classroom.


my name is sheila. i’m from london. i live in wuxi with my parents now. my bedroom is small but clean. in my bedroom, there is a bed, a desk, a chair, a computer and a bookcase. on the wall, there is a photo and a guitar. i can play the guitar. the photo is nice. the girl in the photo is me. there are lots of storybook and picture books in the bookcase. my bedroom is nice. ilike it very much.


( ) 6. shelia is an english girl.

( ) 7. shelia is in wuxi. her parents are in london now.

( ) 8. there is a photo of her family on the wall.

( ) 9. shelia can play the guitar.

( ) 10. there is a computer in the bookcse.


一、听读音,给下列单词标 号(10分)

1、goung() strong() funny()

2、Friday() Sunday() Tuesday()

3、pork() fish() potato()

4、under()  in() behind()

5、road() flower() river()


()1、A、bread B、peachC、seat D、tea

()2、A、grow B、town C、yellow D、window

()3、A、cat B、bag C、face D、hat

()4、A、big B、pig C、sit D、kite

()5、A、short B、horse C、shirt D、ball


()1、English A、数学 B、语文 C、英语

()2、Monday A、星期二 B、星期四 C、星期五

()3、motton A、羊肉 B、猪肉 C、鸡肉

()4、curtain A、镜子 B、窗帘 C、空调

()5、village A、房子 B、河流 C、乡村


young , Monday , pork , chicken , tree , Sunday , thin , mutton , beef , Tuesday , strong , flower , Friday , lake , river .






()1、She my mother .

A、am B、are C、is

()2、Let clean the door .

A、my B、I C、me

()3、My father is teacher .

A、you B、your C、I

()4、This is ruder .

A、he B、him C、his

()5、Is she  young?

A、Yes , she isn’t  .B、Yes , she is . C、They have art

()6、What do you have on Mondays ?

A、I have art . B、You have art . C、They have art .

()7、What do you have for lunch ?

A、I have beans . B、I have English . C、I have a book .

()8、Can you do housework ?

A、Yes , I do . B、Yes , I am . C、Yes , I can .

()9、There is a fish .the river .

A、in B、behind C、on

()10、We have P.E and artFridays .

A、at B、on C、in


A                           B

()1、What do you have for dinner ?     A、It’s Monday .

()2、What’s your teacher like ?      B、She can cook the meals .

()3、What can your mother do ?      C、I have eggplant and tomatoes .

()4、Is there a ball under the chair ?    D、Yes , there is .

()5、What day is it taday ?         F、He’s very strong .


I have my own room now . It’s small and nice .

There is a mirror , a bed and a big closet .

There are green curtains and two end tables .

I put many story—books on my two end tables .

I often read them . I love my new room very much .

1、My new room is big . ()

2、There is a mirror in my new room . ()

3、There is one end table in my new room . ()

4、There are many story—books in my new room . ()

5、I don’t love my new room . ()





四、young , thin , strong

Monday , Sunday , Tuesday , Friday

pork , chicken , mutton , beef

river , tree , flower , lake






When someone asked me what business I am in, my face feels 1 . I envy (嫉妒) people who can say that they are writers, bookkeepers and doctors. All these job speak for themselves.

I really do make a living by 2 , and a good one, too. I can laugh like a king or like a school boy. It is a skill (技能) that I have learned, 3 the skill of mending shoes. Whenever and however laughter is needed --- I am asked to do 4 . I laugh like a bus driver or a shopkeeper. I laugh 5 , kindly and happily.

I need 6 point out that a job of this kind is tiring. I spend most evening in night clubs (俱乐部). My job is to laugh during the 7 part of the show. My loud, hearty laughter must be timed carefully. It must not come too soon, 8 either must it be too late.

I go through life quietly. I can 9 the laughter of others. I can laugh in many different ways. But I’m not sure that I have ever heard the sound of 10 own laughter.

( ) 1. A. warm B. cool C. hot D. cold

( ) 2. A. laughing B. writing C. speaking D. working

( ) 3. A. at B. to C. by D. like

( ) 4. A. one B. it C. those D. these

( ) 5. A. gladly B. sadly C. truly D. suddenly

( ) 6. A. clearly B. easily C. badly D. hardly

( ) 7. A. weaker B. stronger C. more terrible D. more wonderful

( ) 8. A. for B. so C. but D. and

( ) 9. A. get B. make C. copy D. have

( ) 10. A. their B. my C. her D. his




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