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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the use of translation apps. You can start your essay with the sentence "The use of translation apps is becomging increasingly popular. " You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 word


The use of translation apps is becoming increasingly popular. Why? Admittedly, in the contemporay society, an increasing number of people, with the help of translation apps, find it convenient to read foreign literature or essays.

On the one hand, these apps can bring users greater efficiency and help them save more time or energy, particularly for those who have no knowledge of a foreign language. For instance, a host of people may have a variety of difficulties or troubles in learning English, but with the assistance of these apps, it will not be difficult for them to read and understand English materials. On the other hand, it is these apps that cuase some learners to lose motivation for studying. With Apps in hand, they are not willing to do their utmost to memorize new words, pratice speaking or writing skills every day. Fianlly, they will fail to get a good command of any foreign language.

I, as a college student, deem that it is of great necessity for youngsters to use translations apps in a rational way. We should bear in mind that any translation app is merely a tool. Provided that one intends to master a foreign language, it is advisabel to practice each day instead of relying on translation apps.





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the importance of making plans. You can give one or two e_amples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


It seems that everyone in the world aspires to achieve something so as to live life to the fullest. There are vast majority of tasks that we have to finish in order to succeed, so making plans is the only way that we could possibly achieve our goals. Thus, it is of great importance that doing some planning before we start.

The time when one is working or studying is the most valuable, so ow to effectively utilize it decides whether we could achieve our academic pursuit or career advancement. Take preparing final e_am for e_ample, after a long period of study, physical and metal fatigue would unavoidably ensue. However, if we could set out a timetable and stick with the plan, then we could accomplish more things than we thought because we have a time limit on each part, which brings a pressure to us and pushes us to absorb knowledge or do e_ercises more quickly. Not only preparing e_ams but also other tasks, making plans could motivate us to be more effective.

In conclusion, working out a plan is the best way for us to utilize our restricted energy and time.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the saying "The best preparation for future is doing your best today. " You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


此次作文话题比较简单, “做好今天的事就是对未来最好的准备”话题也比较经典,这个里其实有一个陷阱:本文不是讨论准备的重要性,而是讨论“如何为未来做准备”。其更多倾向于“今天应该怎么做”,所以是一个“HOW”题型。而考生可以自行补全主语,“___应该做好今天的事”“___应该怎么做”。所以很简单的段落分布就出现了,第一段将话题引入至自己擅长的人群与领域,第二段提供个人的建议,第三段或憧憬,或呼吁,或总结。但是难点在于想要写好,第二段需要学生依靠自身的阅历进行构思,并提高表达水平。


Para1 :引入(我用的电影)+ 题干主题改写复现

Para2 :怎么做

Para3 :憧憬未来


The Mechanic is one of my favorite movies, in which the protagonist has a very beautiful gun with a famous motto engraved on it-- Victory Loves Preparation. Indeed, increasing undergraduates has realized the importance of preparation which even renders tense peer pressure. While, how to prepare for tomorrow?The best way is to do your best today.

How to do our best? First, try to know yourself. In your free time, you can attend some club activities, social practice, and part-time work to understand what you like and what you want to do in the future. Second, make a dream, and set a goal. Everyone has a dream, but each of us must analyze its feasibility and make it a real and effective goal. Last, make a plan and keep moving. After know what your goals will require, plan to do them one by one. You can devote yourself to your professional field, concentrate on research, and accumulate academic knowledge. Or you can practice in a part-time job that is conducive to your career plan, which could build a perfect resume and improve the work e_perience. Or you can participate in some qualification e_ams to enhance your competitiveness, such as computer language, accounting certificate, teacher qualification certificate, IELTS, and TOEFL.

In a word, when you are at a young age, try to do something more, as long as you are not in vain, all your efforts will become your best assets in the future.


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