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Describe an interesting novel or story.

You should say:

what it is about

who told you this story

when you heard this story

and explain why this was an interesting story to you.


Thank you very much to let me talk about this cue card topic. The story that I am going to talk about is a fascinating story on how an eight year’s old kid saved more than 500 people from possible fatal casualty. I read this story a year ago in a daily newspaper.

This story was published in a popular newspaper that I used to read every day at that time and it was featured as a story of bravery and exemplary one.

An eight years old boy was playing with some other kids in the evening near a rail junction and suddenly noticed that a part of the rail track was severely damaged. While other kids ignored that and returned to their houses, this particular boy was different and he went home and persuaded his father that something bad is going to happen. He came back to the train junction with his father and took a great deal of hassle to convince the rail officers to actually go to visit the damage. They officers were reluctant to do so and thought it was a child’s imagination or lack of comprehension. But the boy was adamant and with his father, they were able to finally convince them that something terrible might happen if they do not take prompt actions. When all of them saw the severe damage on the rail track, it was almost the time for a passenger rail to pass this junction using this particular rail track. It was evening and very few people were in the station. The railway authority understood that repairing the harmed railroad was impossible. They immediately informed the nearby station and warned them so that the train does not leave that junction.

Next day many rail supervisors and employees visited the place and they were amazed by the bravery the boy showed to save people from an approaching peril.

I followed the news story and next day it made the headline of every local newspaper. As far I remember the boy was given many gifts by the rail authorities as well as the local administration.

The story was an exemplary one to remind us how a small sacrifice and bravery can save others. The eight years old boy showed his utmost intelligence, heroism and prompt actions to save people from unforeseeable dangers. The event was so touchy that it went viral in a day and that hit the headline of many newspapers. I did not watch TV that time, but I am sure that was also in TV news.

From the very nature of this event, we can understand that we revere the good news and we are not used to the bad news only. The great courage of a small kid saved the lives of many and that was an indeed worth news story to let the people of the whole country know and feel proud of.


Describe an interesting tradition in your country

You should say:

what it is

where it came from

when it occurs

and say why you think it is interesting.


Well, China has a long and rich history, you know, so we have countless traditions, but today I’d like to talk about what usually happens during the Spring Festival, which is the most important celebration for Chinese people.

On Chinese New Year’s Eve, all the family members would come back home for the family reunion dinner, no matter where they are and how far away they are from home. And it’s not an ordinary meal, I mean, every dish has its special meaning. For example, we must eat fish that day, because in Chinese, fish is pronounced as YU which sounds like “surplus”, so you see, that’s a good wish for the coming new year, meaning that the family would make more than enough money.

And I’m sure you know the tradition that everyone has to eat dumplings on New Year’s Eve. The interesting part is, when we make the dumplings, we would mix some coins or peanuts into the fillings, and the one who get the specially made dumpling would have good luck throughout the whole year. I know it sounds a little superstitious, but it’s a time-honored tradition.

And there’s another activity we have to do during dinner, which is like a ritual, that is, to watch the Spring Festival Gala broadcast by China Central Television. It’s an annul variety show, and it’s the most watched TV show all around the world, you know, because of the large population in China.

Anyway, I think it is the tradition that helps people get in festive mood during Chinese New Year, so I believe it’s worth passing on the next generation.


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