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本文就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题范文:Interview is the basic form of selecting procedure for most large companies. Some people think it is unreliable. There are some other better methods. Do you agree or disagree?——2015年12月3日政府类雅思写作真题




It has been a wide-spreading method for many large companies to select potential employees through interviews. Nevertheless, the reliability of this means is among some people’s consideration and they suggest there exist other superior ways in completing the process of selection.


From my point of view, interviews are a comparatively reliable means to select talents and should still be regarded as a main method for companies. First of all, unlike some other selection methods, for instance, taking written exams, interviews produces instant and mutual communication between interviewers and interviewees which not only allows interviewers to know better about the interviewees’ responding competence but also their true personal abilities since the answers could not be prepared in advance and there are not the so-called “standard answers”.


Additionally, interviews enable interviewers to meet interviewees in person. It is quite important because interviewers can use this opportunity to observe interviewees from a more comprehensive way including their appearance, manners, etc, especially for some positions which need employers to communicate with other people for instance teachers and those who work in the PR section.


Moreover, interviews make it possible for interviewers to ask further questions which make the whole selection process more personal-oriented and flexible. Undoubtedly, people may give various answers towards the same question, with the means of interviews, interviewers can bring forward different further down questions and dig in as much as they want so as to better test the interviewees’ problem-solving competence.


Based on the several aspects discussed above, the reliability of interviews is comparatively high and should be carried on in the process of selecting employees.



题范文:People are surrounded by many kinds of advertising which can influence their life. Does the positive effect of this trend outweigh negative effects?——2015年12月5日传媒类雅思写作真题




In the times when the consumption pervades, the public are bombarded with relentless advertising in a wide range of media. Some cynics tend to regard advertisements as the source of some morbid behavior and trend, I hold the view that advertising can play an active part in many social and personal dimensions.


Some advertisements, if viewed in the light of art, are of great aesthetic value and can present the audience or the spectators a sense of enjoyment. A piece of meticulously-made advertisement is usually characterized by ingenious plot, unique protagonists and the first-class audio and visual effect. There is no doubt that this kind of advertisement is beyond the simple definition of marketing tool and the consumers who enjoy these can be well impressed and will be saturated in an atmosphere which can be evenly matched by the beauty of other forms of arts such as music and movies.


Besides, advertising is also an effective way which can proliferate information and narrow the gap between those who intend to send out the right information and the corresponding recipients. For example, some public service advertisements can inform the viewers some advocated social values such as altruism, frugality and dedication to work. Some commercials, though it is more profit-oriented, can also convey the information concerning some specification of products.


The flipside of advertising lies in the occasional occurrence of misleading and deceptive information, which will undermine the basic rights of consumers. Also, the individuality of consumers is likely to fade away as the commercials endorsed by some celebrities will make consumers buy some similar products without considering their own needs.


In conclusion, advertising should be embraced in a more diverse and well-rounded society, though some minor drawbacks cannot be neglected.



真题范文:Some people think reading stories in book is better than watching TV or playing computer games for children. To what extent do you agree or disagree?——2015年12月12日教育类雅思写作真题





Reading stories in books is a basic way for children to obtain knowledge and open their minds. Although watching TV and playing computer games are also popular educational methods among children, reading bookstore, in my view, is still better because of effectiveness and health.


Compared to TV and games, learning by reading is more effective since it is a synthetic skill. Like any other skills, reading takes practice. Children learn to read by sounding out the letters and finding the meaning of the words. Then, they begin to comprehend the context, paragraph and chapter. To fully understand the content, children have to give all their attention to the text. Also, more than just understanding a certain topic, children tend to develop reasoning, imagination and critical thinking during reading books, which will help them to learn more efficiently and deeply in the future.


In addition, reading books is good to children’s eyesight. According to some researches, spending too much time before a computer screen or watching TV will lead to shortsightedness. Therefore, reading is better for both efficiency and health purpose.


Admittedly, the knowledge disseminated by vivid pictures on screen is easier for children to catch information, but too many moving objects and colorful images will distract children, especially to some young kids, from their primary tasks. Moreover, using TV and computers too long will lead to a sedentary life that is more harmful to one’s wrist and back.


In conclusion, reading stories in book is better than TV and computers for it is a more effective way to learn and better for health.



真题范文:Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed when they are used as money-making machines aims at tourists, other people believe that it is the only way to save such conditions in the world today. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.——2015年12月19日文化类雅思写作真题






The thriving of tourism depends on the integrated force, among which cultural traditions are one of the selling points that has been hyped by many travel agencies and the relevant participants in the sector. Although it is argued by some advocates that cultural traditions can be well preserved by the money from tourism, I take it with a pinch of salt.


One point that has to be made clear is that the diversity of cultural traditions will be undermined if they are utilized to cater for the fleeting need of travel industry. Only those cultural traditions which are popularly welcomed and accepted by the tourists will be given priority and be well preserved, and it means that the other counterparts bearing the same cultural value will be put aside to some extent and gradually sink into oblivion. In this way, the cultural traditions whose economic value are not so obvious are likely to be less focused on and only a fraction of cultural traditions can survive in the increasingly commercialized society.


Another point worth mentioning is that the original flavor of cultural tradition will be distorted. Once the cultural traditions are mingled with business, they are packed into more product than a pristine culture. To make the cultural traditions more appealing and eye-catching to customers, some information which has nothing to do with the tradition will be faked to ass more glory and grandeur and the original taste of the culture will fade away.


It is true, of course, the money from tourists’ pocket can provide the financial guarantee and support for the cultural traditions. More advertising can be placed on mass media to proliferate the cultural traditions, and the restoration and preservation of cultural traditions can be better ensured if there are more funding being poured into.


To sum up, the essence of cultural traditions are somewhat irreconcilable with commercialization and cultural traditions should be more conserved instead of be tagged with price.



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