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experience a taste of the continent on the south coast of england. nestled in a sheltered bay, bournemouth seven miles of safe, sun-kissed beaches are perfect if you dream about long, lazy days by the sea.

  look beyond the award-winning golden sands and you will soon fall in love with the acres of beautiful gardens, top attractions, buzzing nightlife, breathtaking surrounding countryside and welcoming hospitality that attract both the young and young at heart.

  try your hand at wake boarding, surfing or kayaking, or join a game of beach volleyball. discover the mysteries of the deep at the oceanarium, catch a 3d film at the imax cinema, or step back in time at the russell-cotes art gallery and museum.

  after a full day's sightseeing, unwind in an alfresco coffee shop or stroll through the delightful tranquillity of over 2000 acres of victorian parks and gardens. at night, the town shimmers with glittering entertainment and star-studded west end shows.

  victorian arcades, modern boutiques, unique gift shops, antique treasure troves and high street stores all rub shoulders on the streets of bournemouth. the castlepoint complex to the north of the town completes this shoppers?paradise, with many big names stores under one roof. when the time comes to recharge your batteries, you will have difficulty choosing between the mouth-watering array of global cuisine on offer in the town's 250 restaurants and bistros.

  if you'd rather people-watch over a drink, there are plenty of contemporary bars and nightclubs peppered throughout the town centre where you can chill out or dance into the night.

  bournemouth is wonderfully situated as a base for exploration. to the west, the world heritage jurassic coast offers breathtaking cliff formations and rugged scenery that amply reward the efforts of an invigorating walk or cycle. similarly absorbing is the serene new forest, where you can wander among grazing ponies and stop for a dorset cream tea. inland, the chocolate box cottages dotted throughout picturesque villages are simply stunning and a world away from the bustle of everyday life.

  spectacular firework displays, heritage fairs, classic car rallies, children's festivals here's a packed calendar of events waiting for you in bournemouth. other event highlights include the wimborne folk festival, great dorset steam fair and bournemouth live! music festival.

  伯恩茅斯位于英国南海岸,绵延的海岸线,素有南部海滨“晚会之都”的美称。距伦敦约两个小时车程,是英国长期投入建设的旅游胜地,伯恩茅斯有着12公里长的黄金海岸和占地800公顷闻名遐尔的“英国海岸花园”, 而且是通往法国或欧洲其他地区的重要关口。当地气候温和宜人, 环境干净优美, 治安较好。


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