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  Helen Keller (June 17, 1880 - June 1, 1968), the famous American writer, educator, philanthropist, social activist. In the nineteen months due to suffering from acute gastric congestion, cerebral congestion and was taken away vision and hearing. In 1887 met with Sally teacher. In 1899 June admitted to Harvard University Radcliffe Women's College. June 1, 1968 died, at the age of 87 years old, there are 86 years living in the lightless, silent world. In this time, she has completed 14 books. One of the most famous are: "If you give me three days bright" "My life story" "stone wall story". She was committed to the benefit of the disabled, the establishment of many charities, in 1964 won the "President of the Medal of Freedom", the following year selected the United States, "Time" named "Twentieth Century American ten hero idol" one.


  Helen Keller is committed to socialism, from her special experience as a disability, and her sympathy for other disabled people. At first, she simplified the alphabet to make it suitable for people with disabilities; but she soon realized that a simple solution to the problem of blindness was a temporary solution. Through the study she found that blind people are not randomly distributed in a variety of people, but concentrated in the bottom of society. The poor are more likely to be blind due to production accidents or lack of adequate treatment. Some poor people become prostitutes, the addition of a syphilis caused by the risk of blindness. Thus, Keller recognized that the social class system controls the fate of a person's life, and sometimes even decide whether they will be blind. Keller 's study is not a zaiban: "I visited the candy shop, factory, shantytown, and even if I could not see it, I heard it.

  Helen Keller as a socialist, started in 1909. In 1909, she joined the Massachusetts Social Party. As early as before graduating from Radcliffe College, she was a social activist. She himself stressed that this was not due to any education received there. After the outbreak of the Russian revolution, she praised the new communist country, "In the East, a rising star! In the painful struggle, the new order was born from the old order." In the east, The baby was born! Comrades, Qi forward! Run to the campfire in Russia! Welcome to the dawn! "Keller hung a red flag at the top of her desk. "Later, she gradually became the left wing of the Socialist Party and became a member of Wobbly, the World Federation of Industrial Workers, a coalition of syndicalists persecuted by Woodrow Wilson.

  When Keller became a socialist, she was a famous woman of the world. But she soon became discredited, because of the shift to socialism, which led to a new public opinion storm. Those who once praised her courage and wisdom of the newspaper, instead of emphasizing her disability. Columnists have accused her of having no independent sensory acceptance and are subject to those who instilled in her thoughts. The most typical is the editor of the Brooklyn Eagle. He wrote that Keller's "error stems from the obvious defects of her physical development."

  Keller recalls that she had seen the editor. I was embarrassed, but now that I stand up to support socialism, he reminds me and the public that I am a deaf and blind person who is particularly error-prone. Probably, since I had seen him, my brain was shrinking. "She went on to say:" Oh, "the Brooklyn Eagle" is too funny, it is deaf and blind on social issues, it maintains a difficult We are trying to prevent blindness, and this system is the root cause of most blind deafness.

  Keller's second generation is largely committed to raising funds for the American Blind Foundation, and she believes that our society needs a radical change that has never been shaken. She supported the socialist presidential campaign of Eugene V Debbs. She also published articles on women's movement, politics and economy. In his later years, she wrote to the American Communist Party leader, Elizabeth G. Flynn, who was the victim of the McCarthy era, who was in prison during the years: "Dear Elizabeth Flynn, the best birthday Blessing! Willing to serve the good feelings of mankind for your fearless mind to bring strength and tranquility!


  Famous writer Mark Twain said: "The 19th century there are two worthy of attention, one is Napoleon, the other is Helen Keller." American "Time magazine" selection Helen Keller as "the 20th century American 10 idol one". And she left people's greatest revelation is that the courage to accept the challenges of life will be able to win the light of life. This book is a detailed account of Helen Keller's life, is considered one of the most important two major contributions in the history of literature.

  "A gift from Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan to the whole world is constantly telling us how wonderful the world is around, and so much," said a collection of educational films issued by McGraw-Hill Publishing. People are teaching us to know it; no one is not worthy of help or can not help, one of us greatest benefit is to help others to play their true potential.

  Helen Keller is also a rare woman in the world.

  Helen Keller was regarded as one of the most inspiring writers of this century.

  Helen Keller is a famous 19th century American writer, educator, philanthropist, social activist, and blind deaf.

  Helen Keller is our example of learning, is the performance of human goodness, her deeds can become a model for future generations.

  The nineteenth century there were two great people, one is Napoleon, one is Helen Keller. --Mark Twain

  Helen Keller is one of the top ten great men of the twentieth century. - American "Time"

  "The two most important contributions to the history of literature in 1902 were Jimmin's" Jim "and Helen Keller's" My Life ".

  - Well - known American writer Dr. Haier



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