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  When taking delivery, we found that the cargo had been seriously wet by fresh water and putrefied.


  The goods we ordered on February 12th have arrived in a damaged condition.


  A number of cases are broken and the contents are badly damaged.


  Nearly 20% of the bales were broken and the contents badly soiled.


  A number of wooden cases and the contents have been broken.


  On the basis of clause 15 of the contract, we have the right to claim.


  On the basis of clause 15 of the contract, we have the right to claim.


  We will go over the contract.


  You must compensate us for the loss.


  We have to put in a claim against you for all the losses sustained.


  According to the contract, you are responsible to compensate us for the loss we have suffered.



  Most of the shirts are of a smaller size.


  The leather shoes you sent us last Friday are not the right size. They should be size 42.


  Our customers complain that the goods are much inferior in quality to the samples.


  A close inspection by the health officers showed that the canned fruit were considered unfit for human consumption.


  What's wrong with our goods?


  A close inspection by the health officers showed that the canned fruit were considered unfit for human consumption.


  It is made by China National Import & Export Commodity Inspection Bureau.


  A close inspection and a careful test show that some amplifiers are inferior quality.

  经过严密的检验和认真的测试,我们发现你方的 某些扩音器质量低劣。

  We find that the quality, quantity and weight of the goods are not in conformity with those stipulated in this contract.

  我们发现你方货物 的质量、数量和重量均未达到合同中的规定。


  We just wanted to come by and thank you for using our company. 我们只是拜访一下,感谢您选择了我们公司。 Good morning, Mr. Black. Is there something I can do for you? 早上好,布莱克先生。我能为您做些什么吗? We just wanted to come by and thank you for using our company. 我们只是拜访一下,感谢您选择了我们公司。 I want to ask if you've had any problems so far. 我想问下您到目前为止有没有遇到什么问题。 Would you tell me what you have been trying to find out? 您能告诉我您一直想了解些什么吗? It was found by the inspection that there is a difference of 35 kg between the actual landed weight and the invoiced weight. 经过检验,发现你方的货物到岸后的实际重量和发票重置相差35公斤。 Mr. Wang, what's the problem? 王先生,出什么问题了? It was found by the inspection that there is a difference of 35 kg between the actual landed weight and the invoiced weight. 经过检验,发现你方的货物到岸后的实际重量和发票重沿相差 35公斤。 The landed goods were quite different from what expected. 运送到的货物跟我们期盼的有很大差别。 The inspection shows that the salt density exceeds at least 4%. 检验显示盐的密度最少超出了4%。


  Well, it will probably take another few weeks. 嗯,这可能还需要几个星期的时间。 When exactly are you going to finish this job? 具体哪天你们能完成这项工作? Well, it will probably take another few weeks. 嗯,可能还需要几个星期的时间。 I realize it appears simple enough, but there is a lot of red tape to wade through. 我知道,它看上去很简单,却有许多公文手续需要办理。 I'm glad I was able to help. 很高兴能帮助到您。 Please call me if you have any more questions. 再有问题请打电话给我。 I understand why you're angry. 我知道您为什么生气。 If you can't get this straightened out, I'm going to a different firm. 如果你们解决不了这个问题,我要去找另一家公司了。 I understand why you're angry. 我知道您为什么生气。 We are doing everything in our power to work this out. 我们正尽一切所能来解决这个问题。 If you could just give us a few more days, we should be able to get this problem ironed out. 如果您能多给我们几天时间,我们一定能把这个问题解决好的。 Could you tell me what the problem is, please? 您能告诉我是什么问题吗?


  I understand why you're upset, sir.

  先生,我明白您为什么恼火。 I understand why you're upset, sir. 先生,我明白您为什么恼火。 Well then, do something about it! 那好,想想办法吧! I am very sorry, sir. But,at the moment, there is really nothing I can do. As soon as my supervisor comes in,I will contact you. 非常抱歉,先生。可这会儿我的确无能为力。我的上级一来, 我立刻就跟您联系。 I'm sorry to give you so much trouble. 抱歉给您添了这么多麻烦。 I realize that we've started off badly, but I think you'll be pleased with the refinished work. 我知道我们开头开得不好,但我想我们的返工结果会使您满意的。 I expected a better standard. 我原以为水平会比这高。 I realize that we've started off badly, but I think you'll be pleased with the refinished work. 我知道我们开头开得不好,但我想我们的返工结果会使您满意的。 I am very sorry you feel that way. 非常遗憾您这么想。 I think you'll be satisfied with the quality of these designs. 我想您一定会对这些设计的质量感到满意的。 I hope that answers your questions. 我希望这能回答您的问题。 I really appreciate your assistance. 非常感谢您的协助。













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